Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hey Everyone! Hope you've all had a GREAT holiday season, and you're looking forward to a wonderful, NEW YEAR. Have you set your resolutions? I've thought about them, but haven't made any on paper yet! Tomorrow, I'll get that done.

I'll be doing more vinyl, starting back next week, and post some new stuff. But meanwhile, wanted to make you aware of a give away going on.

Go here: http://trying2staycalm.blogspot.com/

Shauna is giving away some beautiful David Bowman prints. Go check it out and win a beautiful 8 x 10 print.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Okay, the winner is .....

Let me just tell you how fun it was to hear from all of you and all of your FUN Christmas Traditions. Some are very similar to ours, and some are so different! I loved hearing about everything everyone does for this special time of year.

The Elves are still visiting our Children. Them being off track has been a lot harder for those ELVES to come, being that they're always around! The kids have tried very hard to be very good, very obedient, and very excited to have the Elves visit them and leave them goodies in their goodie bags.

We also received a package last Saturday night for the 12 days of Christmas. What a FUN thing. The stories we read each night as a family have been very spiritual stories that help us reflect the true meaning of Christmas. The kids take turns each night opening the gift, which we've had fun trying to decide what is in each package before opening, after reading the story. We're about 50% of guessing correctly!

Okay, well, I guess I'll reveal the winner. I was feeling bad because I had never posted what the winner was actually going to win, but decided that's kind of fun too! It's fun to be surprised, and, like I said, I don't think I'm giving away anything that you wouldn't want to win!!!!

I still don't have a picture of it, but I'll do that here in the next few min. and post it off to the side. It's a 4 x 8 Glass Block, with a bow on it, and it has silver snowflakes, with navy blue FROSTY written on it. I love it! These glass blocks have been a big hit this season. I've seen them many places, and love them.

So ....... the winner is ........ Beverly. Yay! I will e-mail you and get it mailed out as soon as I can.

Thanks again, everyone, for sharing your Christmas Traditions. What a fun time of year. Thanks for your orders, and for your friendships. I feel like I know all of you through comments and e-mailing back and forth.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

GIVE AWAYS -- Tis the Season!

Before I offer mine, I want to tell you all about a great give away on http://babesinhairland.blogspot.com. Go check it out and enter each day!

Okay, I told you there would be another give away, and thanks to babes in hairland, she reminded me that I needed to post one sooner than later!

So ... here's the deal. Leave a comment, share with me one of your Christmas traditions, and tell me why you should WIN! I'll draw a winner on December 17th, in the morning, and mail it off that day!

Hope everyone is enjoying this WONDERFUL time of year :) I am ...... soooooo behind. I was hoping to post a picture with this give away, but I don't know what I'm giving away. Something VINYL!!!! Anyway, it'll be worth your time. I promise. As soon as I figure it out, I'll post a picture. In the mean time. GOOD LUCK!

Monday, December 1, 2008

And the WINNER is ......

Okay, I didn't forget to post the Winner, I just ran into a couple glitches! I was going to post at midnight, but I got tired at 11:30 and went to bed! Then I thought I'd get up early and post, and .... well, I didn't get up early. In fact, we were late for school. Then I got home, and hubby needed a ride to work. Since I was out, I decided to stay out and go to my mom's work to drop off a few orders. Then when I got home at 10:30, I remembered I had to post the winner, and .... my computer wouldn't boot up. UGH! Anyway, here I am :) Yay!
Thanks again to everyone that showed interest, and shared your fun Thanksgiving! I'm going to have another give away here in a few days, so stay tuned ... Be thinking of your favorite holiday tradition to share :)
And the winner is ...... Hailey! Yay for you Hailey! E-mail me and tell me Yay! and I'll get you your prize :)
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Free Give Away

Okay, so either no one is interested in a free give away, or not many of you noticed it! On the side bar, I posted a couple weeks ago that I was doing a free give away. A few of you have showed interest, but not as many as I thought would :).

So, here's your last chance to enter, if you're interested. You have 2 days left. Either post me a comment here, or send me an e-mail. Tell me how your Thanksgiving was, and / or what you've got planned for the Holiday's.

I'll do the drawing for this Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas board, December 1st!

Good luck! Happy Holiday's!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another Boutique -- Sat. November 22nd

Whew! I'm glad this past weekend is over. I had so much fun though. Thanks to all of you who showed up to support us at the boutique! Just making you aware there's another one this weekend, and it's out here in West Jordan. 5106 West 8180 South. Mary Kay, Avon, Creative Memories, and my vinyl stuff will be there! Drop in any time between 9 am and 2 pm. Should be fun just to get out and enjoy yourself for a short time. :)
Hope to see you there.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Items Available

Here's a sneak peak at some of the items that will be at the boutique:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holiday Boutique

Hey ya'll! Just a note to let you know there's a boutique/open house this weekend, Friday and Saturday, November 14 and 15th and I'll be there as a vendor. So, if you're in the area, plan to attend. It's a fund raiser for my nieces UDA dance company. There will be lots of different vendors there, and tons of GREAT deals.
The location is 13526 Ivy Manor Lane (820 East), Draper UT
It runs Friday, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
I'll have pre-made items like boards, tiles, plates, blocks, stackers as well as FHE Boards, recipe holders, Christmas Countdowns, and other items. You can also order custom sayings right there on the spot.
Spread the word. It should be great! Get all your Christmas Shopping done all in one spot!
Be sure to call me on my cell phone, or e-mail me, if you have any further questions, or get lost finding the place.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cute Vinyl Crafts Available

Here are some fun vinyl crafts available. You can either order them finished, or order them in kits, or just order the vinyl. E-mail me at jdibarton@hotmail.com if you're interested in purchasing any of these.
The Family Home Evening board (get your own magnets) is a fun easy way to make assignments for the night.
The Christmas Countdown (get your own magnet) is a fun way to count down to Christmas!

Both of these wood blocks are great for gifts or your own decor.

Also vinyl available for Tiles, Plates, or Glass blocks. Great for Christmas Gifts. Contact me if you're interested or need vinyl.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And the winners are .....

Okay, the end is near! It's time to announce the WINNERS! I said it would go through the 15th, and I'd post on the 16th by 8 am. Well, it's 1 hour and 15 min. early to being the end of the 15th day, and I'm tired, and ... my kids are out of school tomorrow for UEA, so I'm NOT getting up early!
So, ...... Congratulations to Amanda, first winner! And to Emma, second winner, (who was referred to me by Babes in Hairland site - Thank You!) I am giving you both 24 hours to claim your prize! Amanda will have first pick at which prize she wants, and then Emma will get what Amanda doesn't pick!
This was so much fun! Thank you to ALL of you for your interest in my products. I appreciate all of you who left comments, and placed orders, taking advantage of the 15% off coupon. Hopefully you'll all enjoy the new vinyl in your homes.
Thanks again to all of you who showed interest. Be sure to check back for more ideas, give aways, and possibly another % off your order! Also, please contact me if I can help you with any of your vinyl needs. :)
(drawing completed by random.org)

Winter Door Decor

So here are the door decor for Winter. I know Halloween and Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet, but .... jump starts aren't too bad are they? There are 4 to choose from, which I have never done before, so hopefully this won't be too complicated! I just had too much fun creating, so .... I'm offering all of them, you just have to choose! They will be ready by November 28th.
Please post a comment, or e-mail me with any questions or to place your order.
This Believe In Santa will be approx. 13" wide by 8" tall. (from top of star to bottom of star, and side to side). Colors Gold (Yellow), Maroon, and Black.
Let it Snow! Approx. 15" wide by 4" tall (Let it Snow), baby blue. There will be 9 snowflakes, 3 different styles, black.
Season's Greetings. Approx. 15" wide, 4" tall (Season's Greetings) Red. Christmas Tree approx. 5" tall, Green, with Gold (Yellow) Star.
Warm Winter Wishes. Approx. 15" wide, 4" tall (Warm Winter Wishes), Baby Blue. Snowmen Outline, approx. 5" tall, 2 of them, black. (no writing inside the snowman).
**These can be printed a little larger to go on your Garage Door, like my Happy Halloween with Ghosts. Please contact me if interested, and I can let you know sizing and prices.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My First Award!

I just received my very first blog award -- Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to The Mom at Babes In Hairland who so generously awarded it to me! She has got the cutest hair do's around, should go check it out! She does "give aways," and has links to others who do "give aways." (just mention her name when you enter the drawings)!! (Wish I had a little girl that would let me do her hair again)!! :)
Here are the rules for the award. Please find at least 10 more blogs (If you don't come up with 10, that's fine too! I did less), of any kind that you love to read. Write a post about the blogs you picked, linking back to me and to them. Once you’ve posted, return here to let me know your post is done and be sure to let them know, too!! So here are my picks for the award - in no particular order:

**A Daily Scoop. This woman is amazing! I have never personally met her, but I feel as though I know everything about her. She has recently gone through a tough trial in her life, and yet she writes and shares her thoughts and feelings with all of us. She has inspired me to "keep going," to "not give up when it seems all is over." Thank you Stephanie for inspiring me.
**The Saby Blog. This little girl just started her blog. She too has gone through a rough trial in her life, and she is using her blog to share her feelings and to write as her mother does.
**The Lanes Blog. My cute sis-in-law! She married one of my favorite brothers! She also blogs! I love keeping up to date reading her blogs, and she humors me by encouraging my creativity and ordering my vinyl.
**Hutton's Happenings. She has got one of the cutest little girls! I grew up with Kristen, and now it's so fun every now and then seeing her little Sophie. She inspires me! Read her blogs. She's so "in love" with her hubby, and she LOVES her little girl. "The perfect mom and wife!"
**Shaeler. Just started blogging. She too has been through a whirlwind this past year, but has made it through. She is so tough, and has to be one of the nicest persons I know! Thanks for sharing your Lindsay with us! I'm excited to keep reading what you have to say in your blog.
**Forsyth Family. Now this woman is sooooo creative. She sells Stampin' Up, and can create anything you can imagine. She's a wife, mother, and a great friend.
So thank you Babes in Hairland for my first "Award!" There are a lot more great people out there, who are blogging too. You 6 go out and find more friends to "Award." I am so fortunate to know these people, plus many more of you! Thank you for sharing your lives with me.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Only a few more days left til the drawing!

Hope you all have commented and entered in to the free give away! I've had a TON of people respond, so it will be FUN to see who wins. I'm so glad I'm doing the two drawings too! It's pretty 50/50 of who likes one over the other. So hopefully who ever wins one wants the one and the other wants the other! If you haven't entered, you still have time. Either post a comment, or send me an e-mail: jdibarton@hotmail.com. Good Luck! :)
Look how fun! My kids saw a picture of some magnets that went onto the garage for each season and wondered why we could only put the vinyl on the front door. So ..... we did some experimenting, and with their help, we added some vinyl fun to the Garage door. Thanks kids!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here's What You Could Win!

Okay, so I couldn't decide which one to do, so we'll do BOTH! It's always more fun to have 2 chances instead of 1, RIGHT?!

This is a cute "Boo" for halloween. It's three blocks, 3 x 6, 3 x 4, and 3 x 5, deep autumn orange color, with black vinyl. A cute witches hat for the top!

This is a cute 6 x 13 wood board, off white in color, with "Give Thanks" in chocolate brown, and fall leaves.

Comment Below to WIN!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Give Away and 15% off Coupon!!!

Okay, so things have slowed down here for a couple days! However, the holidays are coming up and like last year, I'm expecting to be WAY busy creating and cutting vinyl. :) Because Fall is my favorite time of year, I'm going to try something new:

First, I'll do a drawing on October 15th, for a cutsie Halloween/Fall vinyl craft give away. Not sure what it is yet, but it will be WAY worth entering for. All you have to do is post a comment, or e-mail me (jdibarton@hotmail.com). It's that easy!

Second, I'm giving 15% off your orders, anything ordered before October 15th. So, if you were wanting anything done in vinyl, now would be the time to order!
We can create anything you want. If you've seen something you're wanting, take a picture of it, or send me the e-mail link, and we can make it work. I can use most True Type Fonts, and have the majority of the colors wanted/needed!

I'll post the winner of the drawing by Thursday, October 16th, 8 am! Good Luck!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fall Door Decor

Here's the Fall Door Decor. Isn't it cute! If you're interested and want one for your door, let me know!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ideas, ideas, and more ideas!

Here are some of the fun things you can do with Vinyl! I love it! These are some examples of door decor. For the seasons (and some holidays) you can decorate the outside of your door with sayings and vinyl pictures.Here are some examples of what you can do on plates, tiles, glass blocks, woods, picture frames, etc.
Want to decorate your walls? Pick your favorite saying/quote and add it to your wall.
You can even do wall art. Almost anything can be made into an image and cut with vinyl.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Coming Soon!

This site is not up and running quite yet. I create and sell vinyl decor of all kinds. If you are interested, or have any vinyl needs, please e-mail me at jdibarton@hotmail.com.

Keep checking back. Ideas will be posted soon!