Tuesday, December 9, 2008

GIVE AWAYS -- Tis the Season!

Before I offer mine, I want to tell you all about a great give away on http://babesinhairland.blogspot.com. Go check it out and enter each day!

Okay, I told you there would be another give away, and thanks to babes in hairland, she reminded me that I needed to post one sooner than later!

So ... here's the deal. Leave a comment, share with me one of your Christmas traditions, and tell me why you should WIN! I'll draw a winner on December 17th, in the morning, and mail it off that day!

Hope everyone is enjoying this WONDERFUL time of year :) I am ...... soooooo behind. I was hoping to post a picture with this give away, but I don't know what I'm giving away. Something VINYL!!!! Anyway, it'll be worth your time. I promise. As soon as I figure it out, I'll post a picture. In the mean time. GOOD LUCK!


Kristen Brady said...

One of our traditions is to make a nativity scene and then give it away a few pieces at a time by ding-dong ditching them on someone's doorstep. The last piece is the baby Jesus, which we hand deliver and wish them a Merry Christmas. I think I should win this give-away because my husband is in school, with a baby on the way, and we don't have a lot of extra money to purchase extra things, but I absolutely love your work - and I would love to have some of it in my house! - Thanks!

Emma F said...

My favorite family tradition, is also my favorite part of Christmas. We have a big family party at my Grandparent's house where we all perform and sing Christmas carols. Since my grandparents are getting old, we have started doing the tradition at my parent's house too. All of my siblings bring over their kids and we sing Christmas carols and perform songs or talents.

To me, it reminds me what's important: family. Without that family time, I don't know what I'd do; it's so important to me.

I hope to win this giveaway because, as you know, I don't have much. Winning this prize would either help brighten my day, or someone else's by allowing me to give them a Christmas present.

But, if I don't win, CONGRATS to whoever does. :o) Merry Christmas to all!

Jeff & Elise said...

Christmas traditions... Well, I actually haven't started any yet but think I will this year... My grandmother on my mom's side was originally from Norway. At Christmas time she would always make Krum Kaka and Yula Kaka. Krum Kaka means crumb cake, but its acutally a thin cookie funnel cone thing and Yula Kaka is a breakfast bread with raisins in it. We usually top it with Yetost, its a goat cheese! It's super yummy! I'll let you know when we'll be getting together to make it all!

Linz said...

One of my favorite traditions is that we play Bingo to get our Christmas gifts for the adults and the kids play Twister. They get to open a gift each time they win...pretty fun stuff!!! I love your work and would love to go on a shopping spree but I just had a baby that was in the NICU for 2 & 1/2 weeks and so we can't afford Christmas this year b/c of her medical expenses. I hope that I can win so we can at least get something new and nice in our apt.

Dana Christensen said...

My favorite tradition of the last couple years is Elf on the Shelf (www.elfontheshelf.com). It's a story about Santa sending out elves to perch in people's houses to watch kids, then the elf flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa. It comes with your own elf that you name and put in a new place each morning. Our kids love finding his new hiding place for the day! It makes every morning from the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas so fun for our kids!

Camrin said...

Christmas Traditions...so many to pick from. I think my Favorite is we go to Mexico for 2 1/2 weeks (the whole Christmas break). We get to help the kids and families with food and of course gifts. It is a great way to share and to appreciate a little more what we have here in the states.
I would love to get started with a big Christmas win collecting vinyl for my home! :)
Merry Christmas!

YW ROCK said...

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is with my mom and sister-in-laws. About one week before Christmas we go to my moms house and the 6 of us will bake from 4:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. We all bring our ingredients and then cook. We usually each do 3 or 4 things. It is fun to see what we come up with each year and try to do something fun or different. Then at the end of the night we divide up all the goodies onto our own trays and take treats home for the family.
I think that i deserve your give away because i am a mom to like 10 kids a day and have no time to do anything (like all moms) and my hubby is in school full time and I am going to play the sympathy card, he is having surgery on Monday that will put him down for 4 - 6 weeks so I need something to cheer me up! But really i love your stuff and i am just not that crafty and trying to ever win something is just pure fun.

Becky said...

My favorite tradition I borrowed from my Mother-in-law. She thinks that after working so hard to get Christmas done she should have the day off. So, she does a huge Christmas Eve party and then her family eats the leftovers from it on Christmas day instead of having a big dinner. Since we don't have the leftovers, we pick up Chinese on Christmas Eve and then heat it up when we're hungry.

I should win this giveaway because I work so hard to get Christmas done that I deserve a present. And I don't know any vinyl cutters so I don't have all the fabulous stuff that others have (which sounds really selfish after reading Linz's entry). And I'm hoping that if I win that it's the WINTER blocks from your November 17 post. Love those.

And thanks to "Babes in Hairland" for spreading the word about your give-away.

Debbie said...

One of our family traditions that we do every year for christmas is that we go and cut down our own tree. We get up at five in the morning and head out to wendover. We go with my husbands family so with all the people we have to get about 15 to 20 trees every year. Its great fun. The reason I should win is because I just had a baby and I am out of work at the moment. My daughter had to spend a few days a primarys so the bills are adding up. So I cant splurg on myself and this would be great to win.

Hollie Hanson said...

Hey there! I followed your blog link from the babesinhairland blog. I have never been much of a blog searcher- I am computer retarded :) But I am having so much fun! aNd finding all sorts of awesome stuff!
Christmas growing up for mw was my favorite time of the year and it always always involved service. So that is one thing that I have tried really hard to continue on with my little family. I have a 4 yr old, a 2 yr old and one due next month so time and energy is hard to find. But I find doing evn the smallest act of service goes a long way. So this year, My kids hubby and I went through our entire apartment. Gathered together all the things that have been collecting dust and cleaned them up like new. We found out from our church the names of families in need and did a ring and run. It was so awesome for me as a mom to see how this even touched our kids hearts. My 2 yr old just liked the ring and running :) but my 4 yr old really got into the spirit of it and I think is begining to understand the importance of giving. Wow, that was a long one! Sorry! :) I won't say I deserve somethign anymore than anyone else. Just that I would love to have something new and vinyl(instead of shiney- ha ha ha). My husband was laid off this past year and we just found work 3 months ago. So we are still trying to get on our feet again and soooo nervous with the upcoming baby. We have greatly limited our income and live frugally. so it's always nice o get something new to cheer up our home :)
Merry Christmas to everyone!!

Tam said...

One of our traditions is to fill our house with Nativities. It helps remind us why we celebrate Christmas. We've got a bunch of different sets -- some the kiddos can touch and others that are just for show. Its fun to hear the kids reinacting our Saviors birth. For months after Christmas I am finding pieces in random places but I guess thats part of the fun!

Melinda said...

One of my favorite traditions started in my DH's family and I'm excited to carry it on. Each year we write a letter telling how we're going to improve ourselves through the year. The letter, and the carrying out of the promises in it, is our 'gift' to Christ, whose birthday it truly is.

I should win this because I've never won a single giveaway and it would reallymake my day. And I'm really impressed with the pictures that I've seen of your creations and think they would be beautiful anywhere...but especially in MY home!

Rogers said...

We have a tradition of reading a Christmas story every night. We sing a Christmas song, read a Christmas scripture, and read a Christmas story. The kids all love it!

I need to win, because I don't have ANYTHING vinyl!! I love, love, love everything I've seen with vinyl, but have never been able to afford it. You have great stuff, and very cute ideas!!

Carli said...

My favorite tradition is to get everyone in their pajamas on Christmas eve and to go look at the lights. I think that I should win because we just bought a new house and we have NO decorations at all. It does not feel like home because the walls are bare. I would love some vinyl to spice things up around here. Please!

The Kidd Family said...

One of my favorite christmas traditions is we go to my mother-in-laws house christmas eve and open presents then we watch a movie. We come home and the kids get to open 2 presents, their ornament and pjs. They get dressed in their new jammies and we sit as a family and read a christmas book. After the kids are in bed we play games with my parents and sister. It is nice spending time with the whole family. I hope to win this because I am a stay at home mom and we dont have much money. We are hoping to buy a house next summer so we need decorations. Love your blog!

Beverly said...

One of my favorite traditions is stockings. We always had stockings stuff full of stuff always as a kid and 'santa' still stuffs them at 26. It's the first thing we do on Christmas morning with my mom.

As a parents of a 1yr and 2yr old, we hope to start new traditions beginning this year.

I think I should win, because I found your blog via the babes in hairland blog and am too late to sign up to win the scarf & mirror combo for well, yesterday now that it's 1:30AM. And I'm new to the world of vinyl.


Keeley said...

Our family traditions were always pretty common: Christmas Eve night we would go drive around and look at all the lights, go home and drink egg nog, and then open up 1 gift.

Callin and Kristen said...

Wow what great stuff you do! Christmas traditions, it is so hard to choose just one. I love Christmas Eve and spending time with all of my siblings. We are all spread out now and it is fun to catch up and let all of the cousins spend time together.

Keeley said...

Hey Jodi-

Sorry this is my second post to this, but I lost your e-mail address and want to get in contact with you regarding a vinyl order. Please e-mail me at kjblais@yahoo.com -thanks a million!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

My favorite tradition is we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve - the European way. I think this has allowed us to really focus on the true meaning of Christmas on Christmas Day. Of course, with the younger kids we're still working on this! We also every year buy a new ornament & the kids rotate picking it out. Thanks again for all your fun stuff - you da bomb!