Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And the winners are .....

Okay, the end is near! It's time to announce the WINNERS! I said it would go through the 15th, and I'd post on the 16th by 8 am. Well, it's 1 hour and 15 min. early to being the end of the 15th day, and I'm tired, and ... my kids are out of school tomorrow for UEA, so I'm NOT getting up early!
So, ...... Congratulations to Amanda, first winner! And to Emma, second winner, (who was referred to me by Babes in Hairland site - Thank You!) I am giving you both 24 hours to claim your prize! Amanda will have first pick at which prize she wants, and then Emma will get what Amanda doesn't pick!
This was so much fun! Thank you to ALL of you for your interest in my products. I appreciate all of you who left comments, and placed orders, taking advantage of the 15% off coupon. Hopefully you'll all enjoy the new vinyl in your homes.
Thanks again to all of you who showed interest. Be sure to check back for more ideas, give aways, and possibly another % off your order! Also, please contact me if I can help you with any of your vinyl needs. :)
(drawing completed by


Emma F said...

I WON?!?!?!? This is so exciting! Thank you so much! I just sent you an email :o)

Amanda said...

Thank you, again! I never win anything, it's totally awesome :D