Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ideas, ideas, and more ideas!

Here are some of the fun things you can do with Vinyl! I love it! These are some examples of door decor. For the seasons (and some holidays) you can decorate the outside of your door with sayings and vinyl pictures.Here are some examples of what you can do on plates, tiles, glass blocks, woods, picture frames, etc.
Want to decorate your walls? Pick your favorite saying/quote and add it to your wall.
You can even do wall art. Almost anything can be made into an image and cut with vinyl.


YW ROCK said...

I think it looks great. You have cute ideas! I would probably put a list of different sayings to give people ideas. Maybe ones you've done, seen or thought of. Just so people could see more sayings. You gave great ideas of where to put them, now you just need what to put up. Does that make sense? It is way cute though. What a good idea.

Shauna said...

What awesome CUTE things you make here :)