Sunday, January 18, 2009

I have a FABULOUS Blog!!!!

Emma is so cute! I am excited! She tagged me with this amazing "Fabulous" award. Emma is from Arizona, and is one of the cutest person's you'll meet. Check out her blogs. She is so talented, and has an idea for you for anything you need. (Especially for Primary and Activity Days)!

Alright, here are the rules for the tag, I'm supposed to list 5 addictions...

1. Well, 12 days ago I would have said Diet Coke!!! However, I decided 12 days ago that I was going to try and kick that addiction and so far .... so good! I'm surviving. Better than surviving, I'm doing GREAT! I haven't even craved it.

2. Vinyl. I had a very busy Winter full of cutting vinyl, and LOVED it! I was way "done" with vinyl, for about 2 weeks after Christmas, but I'm back to it! I love to design and create, and cut the vinyl, and see the finished results.

3. Coupons! I've only been cutting coupons for a couple weeks now, and only done 2 weeks worth of "smart shopping," but I'm addicted! One week I spent $175.00, in groceries, and saved $476.00. I bought 45 boxes of cereal, plus an additional 127 items. My food storage is GROWING!!!

4. Shopping for good deals! I love to find a good deal. Not only on coupon shopping for groceries, but shopping in general. I love a good deal! Clothing, bedding, home decor, buy one get one free, etc.

5. My kids! I love to take the moment to really enjoy my kids! I love their hugs, kisses, and independent hug time!!! It's great when I get a minute to spend one on one time with them, and spoil them a little!

And NOW I have to pick 5 FABULOUS people who I tag:

Thanks for the TAG Emma! You inspire me! Thanks for thinking of me, and for being you!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh, 45 boxes of cereal!!! Your storage is definatly growing, I see you've finally caught the couponing bug, lol!